
ESL startup allows early power planning

By Richard Goering            07/20/2008

Korean startup Entasys is linking electronic system level (ESL) design to physical design data, according to Sung-Hwan Oh, president and CEO. The company is targeting the U.S. market with software tools that can perform early floorplanning, power and area estimation, I/O pad configuration, and power network prototyping.


- Quoted from

- Entasys Design, Inc. and Primarius Technologies Co., Ltd. have cl...
- Entasys exhibits Comprehensive RTL Design Planning Solution and G...
8 Entasys has signend a distrubutor agreement with Ornan Tech.
7 2010.06.14 : Entasys exhibits Pillar-DP-SOC at DAC 2010
6 2010.01.28 : Entasys exhibits Pillar-DP-SOC at EDSFair2010
5 ESL startup allows early power planning
4 Soo-Kwan Eo joins leading provider of ESL Design Planning
3 Entasys establishes a contact office in Sunnyvale, California to ...
2 2008.01.24 : Entasys exhibits Pillar-DP-SOC at EDSFair2008
1 2007.06.04 : Entasys exhibits Pillar-DP-SoC at 44nd DAC
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